About Make Room

Why We Exist

Pastors John and Leslie Siebeling feel that a part of their calling is to come alongside pastors to help provide strength, strategy, and encouragement to build life-giving, world-changing churches that are making an impact in their cities and beyond. Through their 25 years of leading a growing, multicultural and global church, they have gained wisdom to share with other pastors to help them build local churches that can move forward with the vision God has given them.

About Pastors John and Leslie Siebeling

Pastors John and Leslie Siebeling are the Founders and Senior Pastors of The Life Church based in Memphis, Tennessee—a thriving, multi-campus church with locations in various cities throughout the United States and internationally with a diverse body of believers committed to serving people, developing leaders, and impacting generations.

Their passion for other cultures began when they were missionaries in Nairobi, Kenya. While serving on the pastoral staff of Nairobi Lighthouse Church, God stirred their hearts to return to the States and build a diverse and life-giving church.

Though most of their time and energy remains focused on pastoring The Life Church, John and Leslie have a passion for growing and investing in the local church. John serves as a founding board member of the Association of Related Churches and has authored several books focused on helping people experience God’s best and move forward in life.

For more information about John and Leslie Siebeling or The Life Church, visit thelifechurch.com and connect with @johnsiebeling and @lesliesiebeling on Instagram.